Test 000-418: Websphere Datastage v8.0
Test information:
Exam Number/Code : 000-418
Exam Name : IBM Websphere Datastage V.8.0
Number of questions: 70
Time allowed in minutes: 90
Required passing score: 75%
Test languages: English
Sample / Assessment test:
Test your knowledge prior to taking the test.
Related certifications:
IBM Certified Solution Developer - Websphere Datastage v8.0
This 000-418 examination will certify that the successful candidate has the appropriate knowledge and skills necessary to install and configure Websphere Datastage v8.0; and can professionally design and develop an efficient and scalable DataStage solution to a complex enterprise level business problem; configure a scalable parallel environment including clustered and distributed configurations; collect, report on, and resolve issues identified though key application performance indicators; be proficient in extending the capabilities of the parallel framework using the provided APIs (buildops, wrappers, and components).
Major topics covered by this examination include knowledge of parallel concepts (data collection, data skew, data partitioning, buffers, sorting, aggregation, data collecting), complex algorithm implementations, best 000-418 practices with regards to naming, deploying, etc. Product extension via wrappers and buildops. Configuration and setting up configuration files.
Other areas of knowledge tested in this examination include the use of DataStage tools (Administrator, Designer, Manager, UNIX and/or Windows system and resource monitoring Enterprise Scheduling Tools (e.g. CRON, Autosys, Unicenter-), C/C++. Operating system proficiency, ability to construct SQL statements, programming skills in a high level language.
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