350-029 Exam
CCIE SP Written Exam
Exam Number/Code : 350-029
Exam Name : CCIE SP Written Exam
Questions and Answers : 159 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-06-24
Price: $ 122.00
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Which IOS features are used to avoid Routing loops when dynamic Routing protocols are
used between PE and CE in MPLS-VPN networks?
A. BGP feature allow-as in
B. SHAM links with OSPF
C. RPF Reverse Path forwarding.
D. Site Of Origin SOO.
E. BGP cost community
F. Access-list Control in Distance Vector protocol like RIP and EIGRP.
Answer: D,F
Which 4 statements regarding MPLS Label Stack Encoding is true?
A. A value of 3 represents the “Implicit NULL Label”
B. A value of 4 represents the “Implicit NULL Label.”
C. A value of 2 represents the “IPv6 Explicit NULL Label”
D. A value of 1 represents the “IPv1 Explicit NULL Label”
E. A value of 0 represents the “IPv4 Explicit NULL Label.”
F. A value of 1 represents the “Router Alert Label”. The use of this label is analogous to
the use of the “Router Alert Option” in IP packets (for example, ping with record route
Answer: A,C,E,F