BI0-145 Exam
IBM Cognos 8 BI Multidimensional Author
Exam Number/Code : BI0-145
Exam Name : IBM Cognos 8 BI Multidimensional Author
Questions and Answers : 59 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-06-26
Price: $ 100.00
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Our BI0-145 practice exam provides you with an examination experience like no other.Our BI0-145 study materials and study questions are composed by current and active Information Technology experts, who use their experience in preparing you for your future in IT.
TestInside COGNOS Certification Exam Training provides you Quality and Affordability both at the same time. TestInside is the best Online COGNOS BI0-145 Exam Training opportunity which guarantees your success in BI0-145 exam in just first attempt. TestInside Training Materials are based on the actual template of COGNOS BI0-145 Certification Exam. You will learn all the tactics and techniques in TestInside BI0-145 Training Materials. All the BI0-145 Certification Exam Contents are updated on regular basis.
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3. What kind of authoring style uses the filter function?
A. Relational
B. Configured
C. Dimensional
D. Default
Answer: C
4. Are you an:
A. IBM Customer
B. IBM Partner
C. IBM Employee
Answer: A
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