1z0-042 Exam
oracle database 10g:administration i
Exam Number/Code : 1z0-042
Exam Name : oracle database 10g:administration i
Questions and Answers : 148 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-06-22
Price: $ 98.00
How to prepare for 1Z0-042 exam?
The certification test for Oracle 1Z0-042 requires sound knowledge of administrative tasks to manage the database. This test demands a thorough knowledge of various administrative tools available in Oracle 10g to manage a database in a very sophisticated manner. The candidate must have a solid understanding of how to back up a database to help in its recovery and one must be very well versed with the objectives specified for the test. Hands-on practice using the software itself can definitely help a candidate in qualifying the test.By using Testinside 1Z0-042 online mock test you must be able to pass the exam and provide yourself with better job opportunities. Practicing especially in the following areas can help raise the confidence level of a candidate:
* Install Oracle 10g
* Work with various database objects
* Configure the Oracle shared server
* Implement the database security options
* Know about the architecture of Oracle 10g
* Configure an Oracle network environment
* Know about various administrative tools to manage the database
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